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GOCC 2025

DRUK-INTRO IN THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL ORCHESTRA! We played in the 33rd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Once again we supported the friendly Sztab WOŚP LIPNO by donating cardboard calendars made by us, a large-format calendar and a souvenir text for the fair and auctions. The operativeness and commitment of the Lipno Chief of Staff made the beautiful calendar with...

The Most Beautiful Polish Books 2023

DRUK-INTRO received an honorary award in the 64th Polish Association of Book Publishers "The Most Beautiful Polish Books" competition for the high quality of materials and printing and bookbinding workmanship of Emilia Dziubak's book "Rok w lesie. Worms" realized for the Nasza Księgarnia publishing house. Congratulations to the author and publisher!


On Saturday, February 3, the Indoor Football Tournament for U10 Eagles under the name DRUK-INTRO CUP 2024 was held in the Sports and Entertainment Hall of the Inowrocław Sports and Recreation Center. The originator and organizer of the tournament is the Druk-Intro company. Partners of the event were: OSiR Inowrocław, IFS - Inowrocław Sports Foundation and Decathlon. W...

RUN FESTIVAL 2023 - youth running.

It is not enough to give to the one who asks; it is necessary to give to the one who needs.- Charles de Foucauld Once again, we supported the Piast Running Festival organized by the City of Inowrocław and the Inowrocław Sports and Recreation Center, fulfilling the objectives of the Sponsorship Package. As a promoter of activity among children and young people, additionally the company...

Women's Day 2023

"If there were no women, all the money in the world would have no meaning" - this thought expressed by Onasis fully captures the importance and value of Women. The role of Ladies - in family life, work life, social life - is a role that cannot be overestimated. And although, in the words of British...

Playing with the GOCC

WE PLAY WITH THE GREAT ORCHESTRA! In this year's edition of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, we supported the WOŚP LIPNO headquarters by donating Imagium Albums designed and made by our company in their special orchestral edition. The albums met with favorable reviews and interest among the bidders. One copy - the special one, autographed by...